Military Veteran Cancer Patient Chemotherapy IV Pump Attached To Chest Infusion Port

by Willowpix
Military Veteran Cancer Patient Chemotherapy IV Pump Attached To Chest Infusion Port
Photograph - Photograph
An authentic, real person military veteran - and new real life cancer medical patient - is wearing a generic souvenir replica military baseball style cap commemorating his service in the American US Navy during the Vietnam War. After recent small intestine ileal cancer tumor extraction emergency surgery (evidenced by that scar around his belly button on his abdomen), he's had a subcutaneous IV infusion port temporarily embedded into his chest to facilitate bi-weekly chemotherapy treatments. After a few hours at the hospital for his initial chemo treatment, he is now at home attached to the portable battery-powered pump strapped around his waist. An infusion needle is clamped to his chest port and connected to a small tube through which additional chemotherapy drugs will continue to be continually dripped for the next two days. When that is completed, a home nurse caregiver will visit to detach the needle, pump and infusion tube until the next cycle starts in two weeks.
Image provided by Getty Images.
February 14th, 2024
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