Donating And Giving Thin Line Icons - Editable Stroke

by Appleuzr
Donating And Giving Thin Line Icons - Editable Stroke
Drawing - Illustration
A set of donating and giving icons that include editable strokes or outlines using the EPS vector file. The icons include a hand putting coins in a donation jar, person donating by giving cash, person using an online app to make a donation from smartphone, person receiving food donation from a donor, donation jar full of coins, donation recipient holding heart, person with arm around a person in need, mobile to mobile donation, donor giving to person in need, hand holding out a plate with a heart on on it to indicate a charitable donation, canned food as a charitable donation, donors volunteering to donate and give, person giving a box of cloths to a person in need, philanthropist holding up a give sign, person donating blood, family in need, donations around the world, piggy bank receiving donations, hands giving a donation check, financial donation goal, donor giving person a bag of donated items, cloths as a donation and a smartphone being used to donate to a group of people.
Image provided by Getty Images.
July 30th, 2024
Image ID
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