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Braided Mane Of Grey Horse #1 Photograph by Henrik Sorensen

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Comments (35)

Danna Whitney

Danna Whitney

Yea.. why the long face...know...yer on to something!!

Charles Dobbs

Charles Dobbs

Love detail and lighting!

Jessica Nguyen

Jessica Nguyen

Very nice captured! l/f

KayKay Kameraman

KayKay Kameraman

So many layers, an exceptional picture.

Emily  Froese

Emily Froese


Amanda Eberly-Kudamik

Amanda Eberly-Kudamik

Such a nice capture. Unique

Lisa Sands

Lisa Sands


Stefano Piccini

Stefano Piccini

WOW! Beautiful!

Odon Czintos

Odon Czintos

Very nice artwork.

Bradley R Youngberg

Bradley R Youngberg

Beautiful image!

Michael Kulick

Michael Kulick

very cool

Fabio Giannini

Fabio Giannini

Fantastic shot!!! Incredibly detailed!!! Congratulations!!

Brad Walters

Brad Walters

((( Congrats on your FAA home page feature!!! LIKE/FAVORITE )))

Dustin  LeFevre

Dustin LeFevre

Excellent black and white with depth and wonderful texture.

Ramona Matei

Ramona Matei

Wonderful work!

Preet Chakraborty

Preet Chakraborty


Stephanie Calhoun

Stephanie Calhoun

Beautiful and imaginative...

Dapixara Art

Dapixara Art

Exquisite tones and texture!

Michelle Luke

Michelle Luke

Beautiful WOW!

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Braided Mane Of Grey Horse #1 by Henrik Sorensen
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